Friday, January 22, 2010

Mentioned on Mike's!

I monitor too many blogs and twitter feeds throughout the day, and some of my favorites are those of Mike Elgan, who maintains The Raw Feed and a somewhat-monthly newsletter, Mike's List. Anyhoo, in every issue of Mike's List he features a Mystery Pic of the Day--and the first person to correctly identify the picture gets a mention in the next issue.

Like this:

Isn't that just super?

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Funny Metaphor of the Day (in the news)

"For [Barbara] Boxer, a favorite Republican target, a GOP win in Massachusetts would be a particularly dark sign representing "not just the canary in the coal mine," said Wade Randlett, a leading Silicon Valley fundraiser for Obama. "It's the flock of dead ravens landing on the lawn."

via the San Francisco Chronicle