Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Climate change isn't manmade: 100 reasons why

100 reasons why mankind has no effect on climate change. Read them!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

What does a million stars look like?

Behold one of the first images from the new VISTA (Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy) at the European Southern Observatory. For this photo the telescope was aimed toward the center of the Milky Way Galaxy, and includes about a million stars. Space doesn't look so desloate after all, does it?

(click for full view)

Monday, December 07, 2009

New Mitt Romney Book Coming in March

Hey, this is cool. Think I'll get it and give it a read.


On his first presidential visit to address the European nations, President Obama felt it necessary to apologize for America’s international power.  He repeated that apology when visiting Latin America, and again to Muslims worldwide in an interview broadcast on Al-Arabiya television.

In No Apology, Mitt Romney asserts that American strength is essential—not just for our own well-being, but for the world’s.  Governments such as China and a newly-robust Russia threaten to overtake us on many fronts, and Islam continues its dangerous rise.  Drawing on history for lessons on how great powers collapse, Romney shows how and why our national advantages have eroded.  From the long-term decline of our manufacturing base, our laggard educational system that has left us without enough engineers, scientists, and other skilled professionals, our corrupted financial practices that led to the current crisis, and the crushing impact of entitlements on our future obligations, America is in debt, overtaxed, and unprepared for the challenges it must face.

We need renewal: fresh ideas to cut through complicated problems and restore our strength.  Creative and bold, Romney proposes simple solutions to rebuild industry, create good jobs, reduce out of control spending on entitlements and healthcare, dramatically improve education, and restore a military battered by eight years of war.  Most important, he calls for a new commitment to citizenship, a common cause we all share, rather than a laundry list of individual demands.  Many of his solutions oppose President Obama’s policies, many also run counter to Republican thinking, but all have one strategic aim: to move America back to political and economic strength. 

Personal and dynamically-argued, No Apology is a call to action by a man who cares deeply about America’s history, its promise, and its future. 


Independent Science from Government-dependent Scientists? Not Likely.

Can climate "science" that's dependent on government funding result in independent findings? The answer is a resounding "NO," especially when seen in the light of centuries-old data that proves the climate evolves independent of human production of CO2. Read the excellent article detailing the fiction that is today's climate science.

Saturday, December 05, 2009

I Really Like AOL Radio

I found this music gem about a year ago. It has an incredible selection of music in a huge range of genres. It's pretty much my only place for internet radio. What's your favorite internet radio source?

Friday, December 04, 2009

Christmas Lights – Where Clever Meets Lazy

Love this. Why didn't I think of doing that??

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Should Romney's faith be an obstacle?

Are Christian conservative leaders citing religious differences to preempt Mitt Romney - along with a decent chance at taking back the presidency in 2012? It could be headed that way. Here's a good article on how the religious right may be shooting itself in the foot by shutting out those beyond a specific faith group.



Does anyone else get these HORRIBLE popups when on certain sites (including GMAIL??)