It looks like OS X was compromised in two minutes in a hacking competition, appearing much less secure than Windows Vista.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Mitt Romney is Back in the News
The Economy: You Reap What You Sow
The credit collapse: How could anyone NOT see it coming? For decades hundreds of millions of Americans have sold their future for immediate luxuries - in the form of home equity loans, credit card debt and adjustable rate mortgages. Of course, shortsighted companies took advantage of consumers' stupidity in exchange for a quick buck. I think it all goes back to the "me-me-me, now-now-now" attitude of the baby boomer generation.
Prophetic were the lyrics of a 1990s Kevin Gilbert song:
Also timely was the counsel of LDS Apostle Joseph B. Wirthlin:
Prophetic were the lyrics of a 1990s Kevin Gilbert song:
"The baby boomers had it all, and wasted everything.Well, recess is certainly over, and those who cashed in their financial future are simply reaping their own noxious harvest.
Now recess is almost over, and they won't get off the swing."
Also timely was the counsel of LDS Apostle Joseph B. Wirthlin:
My family is one of very modest means, but we've managed to avoid the pitfalls of deficit spending. Sure, we don't have a giant flat-screen TV, we drive a couple crappy sedans and our home isn't exactly dinner party material. But still, we have zero debt (excepting a standard mortgage). So I'm not really missing those extraneous niceties at this point.“All too often a family's spending is governed more by their yearning than by their earning. They somehow believe that their life will be better if they surround themselves with an abundance of things. All too often all they are left with is avoidable anxiety and distress” (May, 2004).
baby boomers,
credit crunch,
joseph b. wirthlin,
kevin gilbert,
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Ben Stein's New Movie Looks Very Cool
From the movie's website:
The American public’s awareness and beliefs vis-à-vis our government’s expanding role in defining the curriculum in America’s schools, universities and institutions of science.Expelled opens April 18th. Check to see where it's playing near you.
Neo-Darwinian theory contends that life is the result of a random, purposeless process.
Neo – Darwinian theory is taught in schools as if it is the only plausible scientific explanation of how life originated and developed. Yet Intelligent Design theory has recently emerged to challenge neo-Darwinian theory.
Both are scientific theories, and the debate is therefore legitimate. Why is the debate being suppressed?
At stake are two very consequential views of existence: Is life purposeful, and intelligently designed? Or is it random and purposeless?
“Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed” presents a point-of-view so powerful, that it
literally forces a re-examination of these issues.
“Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed” looks to scientists on both sides of the issue…and reveals some truly shocking answers.
ben stein,
intelligent design,
junk science,
Long Live Hip-Hop
The woman is Christine Beatty, hip-hop mayor', I won't use the hip-hop terminology. But the word landed Don Imus in hot water.
And what does our lovely liberal governor have to say about the whole situation? Nothing, of course.
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