Thursday, August 17, 2006

Crappy Shelves, Great Price!

Untitled, originally uploaded by Senor Velasco.

So I bought a couple clearance bookshelves. $15 apiece. Normally $60. I think they're barely worth $15, but they're serviceable, as far as particle board goes.

Anyway, this is about as advanced as my Sketchup skills are at this point. If they inspire you, you have issues.

Speaking of "Trifecta"...

tim johnson, originally uploaded by Senor Velasco.

I now have my triumvirate of signed photographs of South Dakota's three congressmen. (Yes, Stephanie Herseth isn't a man, but if she was, she'd be quite the looker!) For your enjoyment, I present Tim Johnson, unofficially deemed by South Dakotans as "South Dakota Congressperson I'd Least Like to Play Cribbage With."