Friday, August 17, 2007

Romney: Another Day, Another Winning Poll

Mitt Romney is winning enough straw polls to make himself a nice hat. And while that may be one of the lamest things I've ever written, it's still significant that by dominating this latest poll, Romney continues to gain traction in the Midwest. Illinois, in this case.

Here's the breakdown.

1. Mitt Romney – 40.35%
2. Fred Thompson – 19.96%
3. Ron Paul – 18.87%
4. Rudy Giuliani – 11.61%
5. John McCain – 4.12%
6. Mike Huckabee – 3.04%
7. Sam Brownback – 1.08%
8. Duncan Hunter - .65%
9. Tom Tancredo - .33%

Barely three-tenths of one percent? C'mon, Tom--you can do better than that.

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